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Policy 10000 Implementation Procedures - Student, Parent, Family and Community Engagement

Implementation Procedures

I. The Superintendent will Communicate Expectations that Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) Employees:

  1. Provide engaging opportunities for students, parents, families, and community members to be involved in HCPSS schools by publicly promoting opportunities and encouraging participation to the greatest extent possible.

  2. Support students, parents, families, and the community as participants in appropriate decision-making processes and facilitate their leadership in governance, advisory, and advocacy roles.

  3. Monitor the maintenance of quality engagement practices across HCPSS schools through the review of feedback from students, parents, families, and community stakeholders.

II. The School Principal or Designee is Responsible for Ensuring that HCPSS School-Based Employees:

  1. Establish and maintain opportunities for systematic, balanced, two-way communication with students, parents, families, and the community that includes strategies designed to engage and inform the various communities of that school.

  2. Establish and maintain pathways for capturing student and family voice into school operations.

  3. Consider students, parents, families, and community members with limited access to technology, communication methods, language barriers and other situations which may prevent families from receiving and sending communications.

  4. Provide parent education opportunities such as workshops and forums that will positively impact student achievement.

  5. Ensure that students, parents, and families have access to schools, their student’s classroom, and/or school-sponsored activities, consistent with HCPSS policies and procedures.

  6. Coordinate and integrate parent and community engagement within the school.

  7. Encourage and facilitate volunteerism by parents, families, and community members in the classroom, in other areas of the school, and in school-based activities.

  8. Provide appropriate training, supervision, and support for all volunteers including, but not limited to, training for reporting child abuse and neglect and student confidentiality.

  9. Provide space for parents and volunteers in the school when feasible.

  10. Provide resources to parents, families, and community members which enable them to support the curriculum in a positive home learning environment.

  11. Encourage students, parents, families, and the community to serve as advocates for students; support and encourage this advocacy by assisting them in accessing public information, and appropriate processes.

  12. Encourage students, parents, families and community members to share feedback with HCPSS school-based employees and administrators by establishing a safe and receptive environment.

  13. Collect and analyze feedback from students, parents and other stakeholders on engagement practices.

  14. Support parent groups that reflect the diversity of the school’s community.

  15. Establish school improvement teams that include students, parents, families and community members who participate in the planning, implementation, and assessment of the school improvement plan. Membership on the team should reflect the diversity of the school/community.

  16. Involve the parents from Title I schools in the development, implementation, and annual review of the Title I Parent and Family Involvement Plan, HCPSS policy, and Title I School Level Parent and Family Engagement Plan and School Parent Compacts.

  17. Foster community engagement to develop relationships at the school level with interested community members and community groups to achieve school goals.

  18. Ensure that parents, volunteers, advocates for students, members of committees, or other visitors adhere to school and HCPSS policies and procedures.

  19. Collect data and feedback from school-level engagement activities to be provided to the Superintendent/designee for inclusion in the annual report to the Board.

  20. Establish communication guidelines that meet the needs of parents and families who need additional support with engaging in the school community.

III. The Superintendent/designee is Responsible for Ensuring that HCPSS Central Office Employees:

  1. Identify, develop, share, and support successful student, parent, family, and community engagement programs. These programs, plans, and activities for use by schools such as School Improvement Plans, will focus on improving student well-being, academic achievement, school performance, and safe school environment.

  2. Educate HCPSS employees to effectively reach out to, maintain communication with, and work with parents as equal partners, value and utilize the contributions of parents, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and HCPSS school-based employees.

  3. Provide workshops, forums, and other parent education opportunities that impact student achievement.

  4. Continuously inform students, parents, families, and the community about the function and organization of the HCPSS, appropriate directory information, HCPSS policies, procedures, and other appropriate information through various methods, media, resources, and languages.

  5. Provide opportunities and encourage students, parents, families, and the community to contribute suggestions for the continued improvement of the HCPSS, including direct communication with the Board, such as at public forums, public hearings, and online.

  6. Assist students, parents, families, and community members with school-related issues, resolving problems, and identifying resources consistent with HCPSS policy and best practices.

  7. Provide training and resources at the school system level to parents and families which enable them to support the curriculum in a positive home learning environment.

  8. Encourage active parent and community representation on school and HCPSS workgroups and advisory committees.

  9. Assist schools and HCPSS employees in assessing the effectiveness of their school-based parent, family, and community engagement efforts.

  10. Utilize the Board’s Ombudsman, Executive Director of Community, Parent and School Outreach, Special Education Parent Liaison, and other HCPSS employees to facilitate positive relationships among the Board, HCPSS employees, and the community.

  11. Develop formal partnerships in collaboration with the HCPSS Partnership Office at the school and system level with interested businesses, and organizations to achieve HCPSS goals.

  12. Work with businesses, organizations, and other government agencies to gain support and assistance for student, parent, family, and community engagement efforts.

  13. Coordinate and integrate parental engagement strategies with the county, including state and federally funded programs.

  14. Develop a system for principals to give feedback in an annual report.

IV. Parents and Families will:

  1. Adhere to school and HCPSS policies and procedures when involved in school activities.

  2. Contact the principal/designee prior to a visit to the school to discuss the purpose of the visit and to establish a convenient time for both the visitor and HCPSS school-based employees.

    1. The principal will consult with the teacher in advance, at least 24 hours prior to the visit, to discuss the purpose of the visit and to establish a convenient time for both the visitor and HCPSS school-based employees.

    2. The school may arrange for an escort for the visitor.

  3. Be required to provide a photo ID and sign-in at the main office upon entering the school before going into other areas of the building.

V. Parents and Families are Encouraged to:

  1. Take advantage of opportunities, including training, provided by schools and the HCPSS for the engagement of parents in support of their student’s’ education.

  2. Support the goals of the HCPSS in providing a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment.

  3. Seek appropriate assistance, information, and services from schools, the HCPSS, and the community to help their student to be successful.

  4. Refrain from sharing student information in compliance with Policy 9050 Student Records.

  5. Communicate with the school about their student and about factors which will assist HCPSS school-based employees to best serve their student.

  6. Participate in their student’s educational experience by taking advantage of opportunities to conference with teachers.

  7. Volunteer in the classroom, in other areas of the school, and in school-based activities.

  8. Support educators in their efforts to provide quality education for all students.

  9. Support school activities.

  10. Monitor their student’s academic progress by checking daily homework, the learning management system, and taking advantage of opportunities to conference with teachers.

  11. Participate in governance, advisory, and advocacy roles within the HCPSS.

  12. Support the social-emotional well-being of children so they may be able to thrive academically.

VI. The Community is Encouraged to:

  1. Share information, services, and resources that support schools and HCPSS goals.

  2. Take advantage of opportunities, including training, provided by the HCPSS in support of student education.

  3. Adhere to school and HCPSS policies and procedures as appropriate when acting as a parent, volunteer, advocate for students, member of a committee, community partner, or other role.

  4. Share information, services, and resources that strengthen families.

  5. Engage in two-way communication with schools and the HCPSS in support of student learning.

  6. Support the goal of the HCPSS in providing a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment and the individual efforts of HCPSS employees to implement the HCPSS Student Code of Conduct.

  7. Participate in and support school volunteer and mentor programs.

  8. Engage in partnerships with schools and the HCPSS in support of student learning and school system goals.

  9. Provide opportunities for students to participate in community service and internships.

VII. Announcement/Dissemination

  1. Notification regarding the provisions of Policy 10000 and these implementation procedures will be provided to students, parents, families, and the community. Principals are responsible for notifying students, parents, families, and community members in their schools. Supervisors are responsible for notifying those under their supervision. Notification may be through these customary channels:

    1. Published in school and system newsletters and/or handbooks.

    2. Posted in commonly used areas of the school and through digital channels.

    3. Posted on school and HCPSS websites and digital tools.

    4. Provided to new parents through the registration process.

  2. Notification regarding the provisions of Policy 10000 and these procedures will be provided to all HCPSS employees and will include, but not be limited to:

    1. Review of applicable laws and policies with regard to community notifications and engagement.

    2. Duties and responsibilities as HCPSS employees to involve parents, families, and community stakeholders.

VIII. Monitoring

Policy 10000 implementation procedures will be overseen by the Division of School Management and Instructional Leadership.

IX. History

ADOPTED: November 22, 1994

REVIEWED: February 24, 2022

MODIFIED: December 5, 2023


  • November 9, 2006

  • February 13, 2013

  • June 13, 2019

EFFECTIVE: December 5, 2023

Policy History Key

  • Adopted-Original date the Board took action to approve a policy
  • Reviewed-The date the status of a policy was assessed by the Superintendent’s Standing Policy Group
  • Modified-The date the Board took action to alter a policy that based on the recommendation of the Superintendent/designee did not require a comprehensive examination
  • Revised-The date the Board took action on a that policy based on the recommendation of the Superintendent/designee needed a comprehensive examination
  • Effective-The date a policy is implemented throughout the HCPSS, typically July 1 following Board action.