Policy 8090 Implementation Procedures - Non-School-Hour Curricular Programs
Implementation Procedures
I. Required Non-School-Hour Curricular Activities
Elementary School Programs
If before school, after school, or evening activities are held, participation in the following are examples of what may be required:
Strings, Band, Chorus
Middle School Programs
Participation in the following activities before school, after school, evenings, or weekends are examples of what may be required:
Orchestra, Band, Chorus
Group Ensemble Assessments/Adjudications (local & state)
Accelerated GT Mathematics Program
High School Programs
Participation in the following performing arts activities or experiences before school, after school, evenings, or weekends are examples of what may be required:
All courses in the High School Course Catalog (Fine Arts)
Performances (e.g. concerts, school functions)
Group Ensemble Assessments/Adjudications (local & state)
Gifted and Talented Intern/Mentor Program
Summer Rehearsals
Required performing arts summer practice sessions will not be scheduled more than three weeks prior to the staff return date.
Required performing arts summer practice sessions will not include overnight stays or take place outside of the county.
II. Voluntary Non-School-Hour Curricular Activities
Enrichment, extension and academic intervention activities are opportunities that may be provided by individual school communities. They provide students with additional opportunities to interface with curriculum in less traditional settings.
Master Classes
Field Trips
III. Approval and Notification
Elementary Programs
The curricular activity leader will submit a curriculum-specific schedule of non-school-hour curricular activities and events that are part of the elementary performing arts curriculum for the upcoming school year to the principal/designee for approval prior to the beginning of each school year. This schedule will include dates for required practices, rehearsals, performances, and off-school site experiences or events, as well as any voluntary activities.
Information regarding non-school-hour curricular activities related to the performing arts curriculum in which students may be expected to participate will be provided to the parents of elementary school students at the beginning of each school year. Identification of any expectation or requirement for parents to provide transportation will also be provided.
The curricular activity leader will provide participating students and parents with the approved schedule for required and for voluntary non-school-hour curricular activities and events at the beginning of each school year.
Students and parents will be informed in advance of any changes to the approved schedule. If activities are added after the beginning of the school year, these activities will be voluntary.
Secondary Programs
Maximum Number of Required Activities During Non-School-Hours
For middle school performing arts courses, the Catalog of Approved Middle School Courses will specify the maximum number of required rehearsals and performances for non-school-hour performing arts curricular activities in which students enrolled in these courses will participate.
For high school performing arts courses, the Catalog of Approved High School Courses will specify the maximum number of required rehearsals and performances for non-school-hour performing arts curricular activities in which students enrolled in these courses will participate.
For any high school work-based learning programs, the Catalog of Approved High School Courses will identify the requirements for off-site or non-school-hour curricular activities in which students enrolled in the courses or programs will participate.
The curricular activity leader will submit a course-specific schedule of non-school-hour curricular activities and events for the coming school year to the principal/designee for approval before the beginning of the course. This schedule will include dates for required practices, rehearsals, performances, and off-school site experiences or events as well as any voluntary activities.
Middle School – The curricular activity leader will provide middle school students and parents with the approved schedule of non-school- hour curricular activities and events for that school year at the beginning of the course.
High School – The curricular activity leader will provide students and parents with the approved course-specific schedule of non-school-hour curricular activities and events for that school year at the beginning of the summer session or at the beginning of the course.
Students and parents will be informed in advance of changes or additions to the approved schedule during the course of the year.
IV. Attendance and Participation
Students with a lawful/excused absence during school hours may still participate in required non-school-hour curricular activities.
No grade penalty will be assessed for a lawful/excused absence from a required non-school-hour curricular activity.
Prior to excluding a student from a scheduled performance, the curricular activity leader will consult with the school administrator.
If a conflict arises between extracurricular activities (athletic event, talent show, etc.) and required non-school-hour curricular activities (band concert, dance performance, etc.), the required non-school-hour curricular activity takes precedence over the extracurricular activity. However, the appropriate curricular activity leaders will make every effort to resolve the conflict in a way that benefits both programs.
Transportation requirements will be provided to parents and students in program descriptions. Parents should communicate with school administrators or the curricular activity leader if a transportation issue arises for a scheduled non-school-hour curricular activity.
V. Monitoring
Policy 8090 implementation procedures will be overseen by the Division of Academics.
VI. History
ADOPTED: July 24, 1981
May 11, 1995
June 9, 2005
February 9, 2012
January 7, 2021
EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2021
Policy History Key
- Adopted-Original date the Board took action to approve a policy
- Reviewed-The date the status of a policy was assessed by the Superintendent’s Standing Policy Group
- Modified-The date the Board took action to alter a policy that based on the recommendation of the Superintendent/designee did not require a comprehensive examination
- Revised-The date the Board took action on a that policy based on the recommendation of the Superintendent/designee needed a comprehensive examination
- Effective-The date a policy is implemented throughout the HCPSS, typically July 1 following Board action.