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Policy 9070 Implementation Procedures - Academic Eligibility for High School Extracurricular Activities

Implementation Procedures

I. Definitions

  1. Fall Sports Season – The Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association (MPSSAA) August start date until the final date of the county, conference, district, regional, or State tournament.

  2. Winter Sports Season – November 15 until the final date of the local conference, district, regional, or State tournament. When November 15 falls on Sunday, practice will start the preceding Saturday.

  3. Spring Sports Season – March 1 until the final date of the local conference, district, regional, or State tournament. When March 1 falls on Sunday, practice will start the preceding Saturday.

II. Grade Reporting Periods

  1. High schools will determine which 10th, 11th, and 12th graders are eligible in the fall by using the grades of the final marking period of the preceding June. All schools will determine winter and spring eligibility by the grades earned on the designated date closest to November 15 and March 1.

  2. Without regard to their middle school grades, all incoming 9th graders are eligible for fall extracurricular activities.

III. Summer School

  1. For calculating eligibility, review and original credit course grades earned in summer school will be used in lieu of the grade earned in the same course during the fourth marking period.

    1. A student may enroll in an original credit course in summer school for the purpose of receiving full credit for the course if he/she has completed the eighth grade and has never been enrolled in the course or has previously been enrolled in the course and failed more than two quarters.

    2. A student may enroll in a review credit course in summer school if he/she has completed the course and passed at least two quarters.

  2. Determining eligibility using summer school grades:

    1. Substitute grades earned in summer school (review and/or original credit).

    2. Compute new grade point average and check for no more than one failing grade.

    3. Students become eligible if the new grade point average (GPA) is 2.0 or above and no more than one failing grade remains.

IV. Transfer Students

  1. Within County

    A student transferring to a different school within Howard County will use the grade report from the prior school to determine eligibility for that specific activity.

  2. Out of County

    A student moving into the county who wishes to participate in extracurricular activities must meet the eligibility requirements of this policy. The student’s eligibility will be determined by the student’s grades during the last full quarter of attendance in his/her previous school.

V. Special Education Students

  1. If a special education student becomes academically ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities, the student and/or his/her parent/guardian may contact the principal of the school and request convening an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team meeting to determine whether or not the student’s ineligibility is the direct result of not being provided a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and that the failure to provide FAPE led to the student being academically ineligible.

  2. The IEP team will convene at the earliest possible date following receipt of a request.

    1. In the case of athletic activities, the student may begin practicing with the team once the request is made to the principal. The student may not participate in any games until the IEP team determines that ineligibility should be waived.

    2. In the case of nonathletic activities, the student may begin participating in preparatory activities (e.g., practices, rehearsals, etc.) once the request is made to the principal. The student may not participate in special events associated with that activity (e.g., performances, field trips, etc.) until the IEP team determines that ineligibility should be waived.

  3. The IEP team will make a determination as to whether or not the student’s academic ineligibility is a direct result of not being provided a FAPE and the failure to provide FAPE led to the students being academically ineligible. The IEP team will notify the principal immediately of the determination.

    1. If the IEP team determines that the student’s ineligibility is due to not being provided FAPE and that the failure to provide FAPE led to the student being academically ineligible the principal will grant a waiver and declare the student eligible. The student may begin full participation in the extracurricular activities immediately.

    2. If the IEP team determines that FAPE was provided, then the student is not eligible to continue further participation in extracurricular activities.

VI. Students with a 504 Plan

  1. If a student with a 504 Plan becomes academically ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities, the student and/or his/her parent/guardian may contact the principal of the school to request that the local 504 team convene to determine whether a failure to provide the student FAPE led to the student’s ineligibility.

  2. The 504 team will convene at the earliest possible date following receipt of a request.

    1. In the case of athletic activities, the student may begin practicing with the team once the request is made to the principal. The student may not participate in any games until and unless the 504 team determines that the ineligibility should be waived.

    2. In the case of nonathletic activities, the student may begin participating in the preparatory activities (e.g., practices, rehearsals, etc.) once the request is made to the principal. The student may not participate in special events associated with the activity (e.g., performances, field trips, etc.) until the 504 team determines that the ineligibility should be waived.

  3. The 504 team will make a determination as to whether a failure to provide the student FAPE led to the student’s ineligibility and will notify the principal immediately of that determination.

    1. If the 504 team determines that FAPE was not provided and led to the student being ineligible, the principal will grant the waiver and declare the student eligible. The student may begin full participation in extracurricular activities immediately.

    2. If the 504 team determines that ineligibility is not a result of a failure to provide FAPE, the student is not eligible to continue further participation.

VII. History

ADOPTED: July 23, 1981



REVISED: May 9, 1991, January 28, 1993, August 22, 1996, May 25, 2000, January 27, 2005, April 25, 2013

EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2013

Policy History Key

  • Adopted-Original date the Board took action to approve a policy
  • Reviewed-The date the status of a policy was assessed by the Superintendent’s Standing Policy Group
  • Modified-The date the Board took action to alter a policy that based on the recommendation of the Superintendent/designee did not require a comprehensive examination
  • Revised-The date the Board took action on a that policy based on the recommendation of the Superintendent/designee needed a comprehensive examination
  • Effective-The date a policy is implemented throughout the HCPSS, typically July 1 following Board action.