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Policy 9250 Implementation Procedures - Weapons

Implementation Procedures

I. Dissemination of Information

  1. The school-based administrator/designee will annually notify all students, staff, parents, volunteers, and service providers that weapons are prohibited on school property, on school buses, in a vehicle located on school property, and at school-sponsored activities. Notification may be:

    1. Given via an announcement over the public address system at the beginning of the school year and at other times as deemed appropriate.

    2. Published in the school newsletter and/or student/parent/faculty handbooks.

    3. Posted for students and staff (e.g., on bulletin boards in the main office, teachers’ lounge, guidance office, and other commonly used areas).

    4. Published with school lunch menus.

  2. New students and parents/guardians will receive notification through the registration process.

II. Student Violation of Policy

  1. If a person suspects that a student is in violation of this weapons policy, he or she should immediately report the student and a description of the incident to a school-based administrator/designee, who will determine if a violation has occurred.

  2. If a school-based administrator/designee determines that a student is in possession of a weapon, the school-based administrator/designee will assess the severity of the situation and take appropriate action as follows:

    1. If the student is in possession of a firearm or other weapon that poses a serious and immediate threat to the student or others, the school-based administrator/designee will isolate the student, and/or secure the area, and contact the local law enforcement agency.

    2. If the student is in possession of a weapon that does not pose a serious and immediate threat to the student or others, the school-based administrator/designee will secure the weapon.

    3. Disciplinary action will be taken using the Student Code of Conduct and in accordance with Policy 9200 Student Discipline.

    4. The school-based administrator/designee may, without revealing the identity of the student(s) involved, inform the PTA president and/or the school community of incidents involving the presence of weapons on school property or at school-sponsored activities.

III. Non-Student Violation of Policy

  1. If a person suspects that someone other than a student is in violation of this weapons policy, he/she should immediately report the person and a description of the incident to a school-based administrator/designee or supervisor who will determine if a violation has occurred.

  2. If a school-based administrator/designee or supervisor determines that a person other than a student is in possession of a weapon, the school-based administrator/designee or supervisor will assess the severity of the situation and take appropriate action as follows:

    1. If the non-student is in possession of a firearm or other weapon that poses a serious and immediate threat to others, the school-based administrator/designee or supervisor will contact the local law enforcement agency.

    2. If the non-student is in possession of a weapon that does not pose a serious and immediate threat to others, the school-based administrator/designee or supervisor will secure the weapon.

  3. If a person suspects that a non-student is in possession of a weapon and no school-based administrator/designee or supervisor is available, he/she should report the incident to the local law enforcement agency.

  4. Employees who violate this policy will be disciplined in accordance with Policy 7030 Employee Conduct and Discipline.

IV. Other

With prior approval of the school-based administrator/designee, permanently inoperable weapons of significance may be brought to school as part of an instructional activity.

V. History

ADOPTED: January 25, 1990



REVISED: May 14, 1992, June 23, 1994, September 14, 1995, March 22, 2005, April 12, 2012

EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2012