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Policy 1040 Implementation Procedures - Safe and Supportive Schools

Implementation Procedures

I. Announcement/Dissemination of Information

  1. Written notice of behaviors that interfere with a safe and supportive school climate, including but not limited to those identified in the Howard County Public School System(HCPSS) Student Code of Conduct and other related policies, will be communicated to all students, employees, parents, and third parties at the beginning of each school year and, upon registration, to new students and their parents.

  2. At least annually, the principal or appropriate supervisor will notify students, employees, parents, and third parties of the general provisions of this policy. Notification may be:

    1. Given via announcement over the school public address system as deemed appropriate by the principal.

    2. Published in newsletters, on the school/system websites, and/or in student/employee handbooks.

    3. Posted on bulletin boards in offices and other commonly used areas.

II. Violations of Policy

  1. Student Violations

    Any individual who believes that a student has violated this policy will immediately report the suspected violation to the school-based administrator or supervisor and comply with any additional reporting requirements that may involve criminal or other legal action.

    1. A student who is suspected of violating this policy on school property, or at school-related events, or in such a manner that creates a hostile educational environment by substantially interfering with a student’s or employee’s educational benefits, opportunities, performance, or physical or psychological well-being, will be referred to a school-based administrator.

    2. The school-based administrator will promptly conduct an investigation of the alleged violation and take appropriate action to address the behavior as quickly as possible in accordance with the HCPSS Student Code of Conduct.

    3. If the investigation reveals that a threat has occurred, the school-based administrator will, as necessary and as required by law, notify law enforcement, the Office of Safety and Security, and notify the student’s parents and take appropriate action.

    4. A student who violates this policy may be provided with interventions designed to increase the student’s understanding of the impact of the offense on the victim(s).

    5. A student who violates this policy may also be subject to criminal or other legal action.

    6. Any student who has been the object of or who has been affected by conduct prohibited in this policy will be offered appropriate assistance by the school-based administrator or the Superintendent/designee.

  2. Employee and Third Party Violations

    Any individual who believes that an employee or third party has violated this policy will first consider whether the behavior constitutes a violation of Policy 1030 Child Abuse and Neglect, Policy 1010 Anti-Discrimination, or Policy 1020 Sexual Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct. Violations of those policies must be reported, investigated, and followed through in accordance with those policies and other applicable disciplinary procedures.

    When the provisions of these policies do not take precedence, the following procedures will be followed:

    1. An employee or third party suspected of violating this policy will be referred to an appropriate supervisor or the Superintendent/designee.

    2. The supervisor or Superintendent/designee will promptly conduct an investigation and address the behavior as quickly as possible.

    3. If the investigation reveals that a threat has occurred, the supervisor or Superintendent/designee will, as required by law, notify law enforcement and the Office of Safety and Security, and will take appropriate action. Disciplinary action against an employee will be taken in accordance with Policy 7030 Employee Conduct and Discipline. Action against a third party will be taken in accordance with relevant school system policies and other applicable local, state, and federal laws.

III. Safe and Supportive Schools Maintenance

To address the continuous maintenance of safe and supportive school climates, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the Department of Program Innovation and Student Well-Being, and the Office of Safety and Security will coordinate for a multi-faceted approach in the areas of threat assessment, security, and equity.

  1. Threat assessment

    The Department of Program Innovation and Student Well-Being will coordinate with the Office of Safety and Security to implement the HCPSS Procedures for the Threat Management Process, including how to:

    1. Provide guidance to students and employees through professional learning, case consultation, and written procedures, etc. regarding recognition of behavior that may represent a threat.

    2. Implement behavior threat assessment team(s) will assess, identify and manage the risks of threats of targeted violence posed by an individual or group.

    3. Identify members of the school community to whom threatening behavior should be reported.

    4. Assess and intervene with individuals whose behavior poses (or may pose) a threat to the safety to school employees or students, and where appropriate, referrals to community providers for further evaluation and/or treatment.

  2. Security

    The Office of Safety and Security is responsible for all aspects of physical security and general safety for students and employees. To ensure that we contribute to safe and supportive schools, the HCPSS will:

    1. Collaborate with law enforcement to maintain SROs and other law enforcement coverage at levels defined by state law: We will monitor coverage on a quarterly basis and will adjust as required by changes in law.

    2. Perform annual safety evaluations of schools and tracking improvement projects in compliance with the Maryland Safe to Learn Act 2018.

    3. Conduct school emergency drills on an annual basis based on the schedule below:

      1. 5 evacuation drills

      2. 2 reverse evacuation drills

      3. 2 active assailant drills

      4. 2 severe weather drills

      5. 1 shelter in place drill

      6. 1 lockdown drill

      7. 1 duck, cover, and hold drill

    4. Provide initial and annual refresher training for school system employees for our Emergency Operations Plans (EOP).

      1. System-Level EOP – Position specific training for those with roles during emergency response.

      2. School-Specific EOP – Annual plan updates for new employees and positions specific training for those with roles during an emergency at the school.

      3. Support Facility EOP – Annual plan updates for new employees and positions specific training for those with roles during an emergency at the facility.

  3. Equity

    The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will support schools in maintaining safe and supportive school climates by assisting in:

    1. Shaping restorative cultures.

    2. Fostering inclusive relationships.

    3. Infusing voice (Student, Family, and Staff) throughout the educational experience.

    4. Providing opportunities for professional learning that helps teachers and employees feel valued and effective in maintaining safe and supportive school climates. These learnings could include but are not limited to:

      1. Confronting bias.

      2. Culturally responsive teaching.

      3. Understanding generational trauma.

      4. Restorative justice.

      5. Social emotional learning.

      6. Cultural proficiency.

    5. Collaborating with families and community members to form active and valued partnerships and nurture trust.

  4. Accountability

    The Office of Safety and Security, the Department of Program Innovation and Student Well-Being, and the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will coordinate an annual review of the implementation of Policy 1040 and report its findings to the Board to evaluate the effectiveness of its policy, including but not limited to the following areas:

    1. The effects of the security drills on students and employees mental health.

    2. Any after action evaluations for incidents where Emergency Operations Plans were used.

    3. Threat Assessment, Security, and Equity as outlined in the preceding sections.

IV. History

ADOPTED: October 22, 1992


MODIFIED: October 17, 2019


  • January 30, 2001

  • April 12, 2007

  • June 12, 2014

EFFECTIVE: October 17, 2019